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发布时间:2017-11-08 13:36:30作者:春喜外语来源:www.tracyclass.com浏览量:



Although it is hard to tell how cats feel, as a matter of fact, their tails tell you how they feel. We summarize 14 patterns with illustrations and comments. Once you know these patterns, it will help you when you live with a cat.猫的内心是难以捉摸的,不过我们可以从它们的尾巴看出它们的心情。这里总结出了14种猫摇尾巴的方式,还附有图片解释说明。了解了这些动作之后,你跟猫相处就会更加容易。



1. Put their tail straight up in the air.

1. 直直地竖起尾巴



They show this sign when they feel good at a safe place or happy. Also, they raise their tail to show themselves off. They are masters of their territories. It is as if they are saying, “I’m nice, ain’t I?”当它们在一个地方有安全感,或者是心情好的时候就会这样竖起尾巴。另外,这也是它们炫耀自己的方式,显示它们就是自己地盘的主人,就好像是在说“瞧我挺不错的吧?”



2. Stand hairs on end

2. 把毛都竖起来



They do this sign when they stand are apprehensive or aggressive. They do this to intimidate an opponent or prey. They make themselves look bigger by standing their hairs on end. Their size is important to help avoid conflict. Sometimes the cause is fear, but most of the time, they do this for attacking.这表示它们内心极度不安,或者是准备要攻击了。这么做是为了吓唬敌人或猎物。它们把身上的毛都竖起来,这样自己的块头就会显得更大。体型对避免打斗十分重要。有时候它们是因为恐惧才这么做的,不过大部分情况下是为了攻击。



3. Make their tail into a mountain shape

3. 把尾巴弯成小山的形状



They do this when they are in tension or before fighting. When there is an opportunity, they make pattern 2 and 3 in combination, which means fighting. The sign means “Do not come any closer.”它们在紧张或者准备打架的时候就会这么做。有机会的话,它们会第二种和第三种姿势一起做,那样就表示要打架了,这也是在说“不要再靠近我了”。



4. Sandwich their tail between their legs

4. 把尾巴夹在两腿之间



This is a sign when they feel helpless fear. Sometimes they do this pose as a sign of “submission” to an opponent, whom they cannot win against at all. In addition, they make this sign when they feel sad, or when they feel extreme anxiety when they go to a new place or an animal hospital. It is one step before a panic situation. So avoid giving them stimulus.这是它们感到害怕无助的表现。有时候这个姿势表示对敌人的屈从,因为它们没有办法打赢。在伤心的时候,或者在新地方、宠物医院里极度焦虑的时候,它们也会有这样的表现。它们已经临近恐慌边缘了,所以这时候不要再刺激它们了。



5. Lower their tail

5. 尾巴下垂



When they are disappointed because they got yelled at by their master, they are down, or they feel ill, they do this sign. You can tell their health condition with this sign.主人对它们大声吆喝的时候,它们感到失望、沮丧的时候,或者生病的时候,它们就会有这样的表现。这个动作可以体现它们的健康状况。


