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发布时间:2016-09-30 09:35:04作者:春喜外语来源:www.tracyclass.com浏览量:



  1.Go straight to the first question. Don't waste time reading the full passage or the first sentence of each paragraph, and don't read any of the other questions.直接看第一道题目,不要浪费时间读完全文或每一段的第一句,也不要读其它题目。

  2.Do 'paragraph' questions last. Questions that ask you to match headings or statements with paragraphs are much easier if you are already familiar with the passage.最后做匹配段落标题题型。当你对整篇文章内容比较了解的时候标题配对题会更加容易。

  3.Don't get stuck on one question. As soon as you realise that you are having difficulties with a question, leave it and move to the next one. Return to difficult questions later if you have time.不要卡在一道题上。一觉得这道题目很难,就放下它去做下一道。如果最后还有时间的话再来做难题。

  4.Remember that the answers to most question sections are in order in the passage. You don't need to go back to the beginning of the passage to search for each answer.记住大多数问题答案都是按顺序在文章中出现的。你不用从头开始找每道题。

  5.Only skim or scan for numbers and names. Otherwise, read at normal speed.略读或扫读文章和名字,其余部分都用正常速度阅读。

  6.Work with an alarm. You can't do this in an exam, but at home you could set the alarm (on your phone) for 2 minutes and try to do each question within this time.


